Wednesday, 13 April 2011

My feathered friends

I’m looking forward to Easter, and hoping I’ll get some Easter eggs! With all this talk of eggs, Sarah suggested we visit some feathered friends of hers who lay real ones. We went round to their garden and met the hens pecking on the lawn. Sarah had warned me that I mustn’t chase them round the garden. It was difficult because they kept flapping their wings and clucking and I was sooo tempted to chase them!

They were a friendly bunch of girls 
really, but they did make a bit of a 
mess and leave poo everywhere.
I had to hold my nose and hope they 
didn't notice! Having said that they 
were very good at one thing -
Laying eggs!

They kindly gave us several to take home with us. I carried them very carefully to make sure I didn’t drop any!

Guess what we had for breakfast the next morning? Yes, boiled eggs and soldiers! They were yummy!

We were left with empty eggshells, and Sarah had an idea. She had some cress seeds and she said we could grow cress in the eggshells. We washed out the eggshells and put damp cotton wool inside, and I sprinkled the cress seeds on it. Then we put them on a sunny windowsill and I watched them for a whole hour. Nothing happened, but Sarah said it would take a few days. Then I had another idea – I’d send cress seeds to all my friends so they could try too! I put them carefully in envelopes and have sent some to all my friends!

Every day I checked the seeds and watered them if they felt dry, with just enough water to make them damp again. I got so excited as little shoots started to grow. After about 7 days my eggshells had a full head of green hair! I got out my paints and stickers and painted them all with bright colours and funny faces. The next day we gave them a haircut and had cress in our sandwiches!

I hope you have as much fun growing your funny eggheads and 
eating the results! I’d love to see photos of how you get on.

With love and spots


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