Monday, 17 January 2011

Snow Day

When I woke up this morning I thought the whole world had been magically covered in icing sugar overnight! It looked so pretty all over the ground and the trees and the houses. I was just thinking I should try a spoonful when I realised it had snowed, just like on lots of my Christmas cards! I couldn’t wait to get out and play in it. I bolted down my breakfast and got dressed up in my warm scarf, cardigan and wellingtons, and then ran outside!

 D:\Users\Clare Bray\Pictures\Microsoft Clip Organizer\00303521.wmfAll my friends had come out to play too, and one of them had a sledge, so we all set off to a nearby hill. We dragged the sledge to the top and then we climbed on and slid all the way to the bottom! The sledge went faster and faster and faster and we all went ‘WHEEEEEE’ as it went down, until it hit a pile of snow at the bottom of the hill and we were all thrown out into a big giggling pile!

Since we were covered in snow anyway we decided to make snow angels. I lay on my back and moved my arms and legs up and down and got even more snow on me! I licked a bit just to see if it tasted like icing sugar but it didn’t really. Then I stood up and saw a perfect angel imprinted in the snow. It was so much fun that I lay down to make another one! By the time we’d all finished there were dozens of angels across the snow!

 We pulled the sledge back home and then set about building a snowdog on my front lawn. We got our spades out and shovelled snow into a pile, then made the head to go on top, with ears sticking up just like mine! It had to have a carrot for its nose too so that it was a proper snowdog.

 We were quite tired by then so we all went inside for some hot chocolate. I was going to offer the snowdog some but decided it would be better off staying cold!

D:\Users\Clare Bray\Pictures\Microsoft Clip Organizer\00303521.wmfWith snowflakes and spots,

Monday, 10 January 2011

The golden ring pull

I’ve just had the most amazing night. I won a competition on a can of dog food to star in a pantomime at Oldham Coliseum Theatre! I’d been hoping I might win but couldn’t believe it when I found the golden ring-pull. The panto was Sleeping Beauty and I was to be Sleeping Beauty herself!

When I arrived at the theatre the cast met me in their bright costumes and showed me the stage and what to do. They all looked so funny dressed up like that! They didn’t have a costume that fitted me but they said that my spots would fit the part just right without one.

 They all treated me like a superstar and I felt very important. I had my own dressing room where a make-up artist put on my make-up and brushed my fur ready for the performance.

Soon it was time for the pantomime to start. The theatre was full and everyone clapped as we walked on to the stage! We sang a few songs (I wasn’t too sure of the words so just woofed along) and then I was centre stage. I had to sit at a spinning wheel and pretend to prick my paw on a spindle which would send me to sleep for a hundred years. I could only wake up when a handsome prince came and kissed me.

I was lifted onto a bed and had to lie there for a long time. I was so good at pretending to sleep that I actually fell asleep and started snoring! The pantomime dame crept up behind me and the children in the audience shouted “she’s behind you!” so loudly that I nearly fell off the bed!

At last my handsome prince arrived and gave me a big kiss to wake me up! It was so romantic I went all soppy for a bit. Then we all had to stand in a line and take a bow, and suddenly it was all over! I’ll never forget my night in the limelight – oh no I won’t!!

With love and spots,

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Guess where I've been???

Christmas fun

Well I hope you all had a lovely Christmas, I know I did. I must have been a good girl as Santa was very generous and I got lots of spotty presents.
Megan and Joe have sent me some photos of them enjoying Christmas with my brother Rufus.

         It looks like they were on the good list too!