Friday, 10 December 2010

Christmas is just around the corner

Dear friends,

I’m so excited to be getting ready for my first Christmas! We got out all the Christmas decorations and I had such fun playing with the tinsel. There was a big mound of it and I buried myself inside, it was like playing Hide and Seek again!

I was so covered in tinsel that I thought I could be a Christmas tree myself! It was great fun being a tree, but I decided I might get a bit tired holding my hands in the air for the whole of Christmas! Do you like my new earrings?

Eventually I did manage to decorate the actual tree! I spent ages deciding where each bauble and fairy light should go. Now it looks like something magical from fairyland!

Next I got stuck into baking some mince pies for Santa. I wore my new pinny which was just as well as I got flour everywhere. I had to make some pastry and roll it out with the big heavy rolling pin. Then I cut out little bits of the pastry to make the mince pies from, and scooped mincemeat out from a jar. I might have put my paw in the jar too for a very little taste when no-one was looking, but that was just because I had to check that it tasted good!

My last job was to write my Christmas cards. I wanted to send my friends and brothers and sisters an extra special card. It took me ages to find one just for you, but I found a perfect one in the end - I’ll be posting it to you soon! 

So now I just need to count down to Christmas! I’ve been given a special advent calendar for puppies. I have to open a window every day, and behind each window is a piece of doggy chocolate - yum!! When there are no windows left to open it’s Christmas the next day! There aren’t very many left now... not long to go!!

With tinsel and spots


Wednesday, 8 December 2010

A letter to Santa

As Christmas is just around the corner I decided to write a letter to Santa. It's so exciting to think the letters get to him so far away at the North Pole. I've been looking through toy catalogues and saw some things I'd like. I do hope I'll be on Santa's good list as I've tried very hard to be a well-behaved puppy, even though it's been very difficult sometimes!

I wrote in my best handwriting that I would like a spotty pillow, a spotty blanket, a spotty doll, a spotty doggy chew, a spotty purse, a spotty hat and a big spotty trampoline.

Then I thought that might sound a little bit greedy so I added that I’d love anything so long as it was spotty, because really I just love spots

I also put that I would leave him a little snack and a glass of milk for when he comes down the chimney on Christmas Eve. I must remember to leave a carrot or two for the reindeer as well as it helps them to see in the dark while they're pulling the sleigh. I might try and make Santa some mince pies as I don't think he'd like my doggy biscuits as much as me! 

Then I put a stamp on the envelope and walked to the post box to post my letter. I needed a bit of help to reach the slot because it was very high up. I don't know how long my letter will take to reach Santa as the North Pole is a very long way away but I'm sure it will get there!


With stockings and spots


Wednesday, 1 December 2010

My littermates and friends

I’ve received lots of photos of my littermates and my friends that have been looking after them in their new homes. So I thought I’d share them with you all.

Alan and Sooty

Dominic and Indy

  Holly and Spotty

  Lennon and Zippy
    Max, Kacey and Ellie

 Megan, Tyler and Amelia

 William and Daniel

Xander and Dougie

It’s been great to see they are all getting lots of cuddles and all look very happy. I love hearing how they are all getting on and hearing about their adventures so if you have any you would like to share just send them to me at

Snuggles and spots


Thursday, 25 November 2010

Train trip to Manchester

I have just been on a trip to
Manchester with my friend Jane - on the train! We bought our tickets and waited on the platform for the train to arrive. With a big WHOOSH! the train pulled up at the station and everyone got on board.

I sat down in my very own seat by the window. The train started moving slowly but soon it was going so very fast and the countryside was whizzing along outside.

The window was quite high up and I had to bounce and bounce (just like Tigger!) so that I could look out.
When I looked out of the window, one minute everything was sunny and then it just went black! It was really spooky but Jane said we’d just gone into a tunnel. Then it was bright again when we came out of the tunnel. I could see lots of houses and trees and even some shops when we stopped at stations along the way. The train made a chug chug chug sound. It was fantastic!

When we arrived in Manchester Jane took me on this enormous big wheel. It was so big that I had to lean right over backwards to see the top! We sat in a seat and it slowly went round and we got higher and higher and higher. I am used to most people being taller than me and suddenly I was looking down on everyone! Guess what I saw? It was amazing - when I was going up I looked across Manchester and I could see Old Trafford Football Club where Manchester United play. Then when I was going down I looked behind me and I could see The Velodrome which is where the Olympic Cycle Racing is going to happen. Wow!! At the top I was VERY VERY high up and all the people looked like ants. I waved my paw at them but I don't think they could see me.

After the ride I was starving hungry, so Jane treated me to lunch at McDonald’s. I had a Happy Meal and I got a new toy as well! Here I am sitting in a special chair for puppies that lifts you up to the table. I ate ALL my chips and burger but didn't quite finish my chocolate milk shake. Yum yum!

The trip home on the train seemed to go really quickly. Jane said this was because I fell asleep but I don’t think that was true because I was trying to look at everything as it went past. Although the chug chug chug of the train did make me a little bit dozy... 

With snuggles and spots, 

Thursday, 18 November 2010

At the dog show

Last week my friend Kim invited me to take part in an RSPCA dog show. I felt so important that she wanted me to compete with all the other dogs! When we got there I couldn’t believe my eyes. There were dogs everywhere, more than I’d ever seen in my life. Big dogs, small dogs, happy dogs, snappy dogs and even a few spotty dogs like me. They were all so friendly and wanted to be my friend – let’s just say there was a lot of bottom sniffing going on!

I registered my name and was given a badge with my own special number on it. Soon it was my turn in the limelight. Kim entered me in “The dog the judge would most like to take home” class. I was really nervous as there were over 100 people and dogs watching but Kim reassured me that I’d be fine. I was right in front of another dalmatian so that made me feel better too!

We all had to walk around the ring and I wore my best smile hoping to impress the judges. When my name was announced over the speakers the crowd cheered and that made me smile even more. The judge then read out my name along with a few others. Kim whispered to me that she thought that meant I’d won a prize. I won 6th place!! The judge shook my paw and awarded me a purple rosette. She tried to pin it on my fur but a bark from me stopped her very quickly.

I was so proud of myself but I must admit I’m secretly glad I didn’t win first prize as I didn’t really want to go home with the judge anyway. I’ve put my rosette up on my wall in pride of place – I don’t think it’ll be coming down for a very long time!

With love and spots,

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Lewis and Domino

I have recently heard that my friend Lewis has broken his leg and is having to wear a bright green plaster cast. It looks like my brother Domino has been keeping him smiling though.

 I love Domino’s Spiderman mask, I might ask Santa for one for Christmas!

I hope your leg gets better soon Lewis.

Love and Spots


Friday, 29 October 2010

Autumn Greetings

Leaves, leaves everywhere, brown and gold and red
Leaves, leaves everywhere, falling on my head.

Autumn Greetings to all my friends

Love and spots


Thursday, 21 October 2010

At the stables

Hi everyone,

I had a real treat this week – I’ve been horse riding! I had to wear a hard black hat just in case I fell off. I had to have one made especially for me as I’m so little.

Look at me all the way up there!! I’m sitting on a saddle on the back of a ginormous horse called Donna.

It was a very long way up! I felt her going clip clop clip clop as she walked around a bit. I said “giddy up” and felt like a cowgirl!

Donna felt a bit hungry after that so she ate some straw while I held her reins with my paw. Donna’s head is bigger than mine – in fact it’s bigger than the whole of me!! While she was munching I stroked her velvety soft nose. I don’t like eating straw but then maybe she doesn’t like eating puppy food.

After we had been for a walk I helped the stable girls take her saddle off and then give it a bit of a clean. It’s made of leather and needs to be kept nice and shiny. I had to squirt the cleaning stuff on and then scrub scrub scrub! It was very hard work but it looked sparkly clean when I’d finished!

Just when I thought I was all done Donna had one last surprise for me. She whispered in my ear that because she had given me a ride, please would I help to make her stable nice and clean. So I went in with my spade and shovelled up her poo!! It was pretty smelly but I learnt this is what horsey people have to do. Once I’d finished it was much nicer for Donna to go to sleep in and she seemed very pleased.

What an exciting day!

With snuggles and spots


Monday, 18 October 2010

Xander and Killian

Xander and Killian have been having a wild time with their pup Dougie.

They took Dougie on a beautiful sunny day to the race track at Silverstone.

They got to see some super fast cars and Dougie even managed to sit on a policeman's motorbike.....

He's one lucky puppy!

Megan and Tyler

I was really pleased to hear from Megan and Tyler and their pup Amelia. They have been telling Amelia all about their sister Madison.

They took Amelia to visit Madi's special memory garden. It looks lovely.

 Amelia even managed to hitch a ride on their bike and scooter while she was there!

 Later Megan, Tyler and Amelia all had a tea party. 

That ice cream looks yummy!

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Alan and Sooty

A few weeks ago I received a lovely email from Alan and his pup he’s named Sooty. It was great to hear that Sooty has settled in so well as I’d been wondering about how all my brothers and sisters had been getting on in their new homes.

I shouldn’t have worried about Sooty. It looks like he and Alan have been having great fun.

Alan took Sooty fishing and by the looks of the photo I think Sooty was pretty good at it.

Together they caught a big fish. Sooty must be a braver pup than me as I don’t think I’d even be able to put the wiggly worm on the hook.

 Sooty has also been out for dinner with Alan and his family and even accompanied Alan in the car on the way to school.

  Best of all Alan’s mummy has knitted Sooty his very own jumper. Apparently it can get very cold during the winter months up in Scotland so at least I know Sooty will be snug and warm.

I love hearing what you’ve all been up to with your pups so if you have any stories or photos you would like me to share on this blog just email me at

Love and Spots
